Giving to God’s Work

Why Give?

We encourage everyone who calls Stanhope Anglican their church to generously give and support our gospel work.

God has blessed us richly; may it be a joy to give to his work, as each of us are able. May we be cheerful, regular and generous givers. And may we see lives changed as a result, as the good news of Jesus is made known here and beyond.

‘You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.’

2 Corinthians 9:11

Support Church’s General Ministry

Bank Transfer

BSB: 062 704
Account number: 1004 4866
Ref: Giving


ABN 40468 943 397
Ref: Giving

PayPal or Credit Card

Give by PayPal (using your PayPal account and preferred payment method) or by Credit Card (no PayPal account required)

Cash or Cheque

Via collection box at rear of church auditorium. Cheques made out to 'Stanhope Anglican Church'

Support SRE

(tax deductible, min donation $100)

Give by Bank Transfer or PayID
(Ref: SRE[surname])
or by PayPal or Credit Card using the button.

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