
We encourage everyone who calls Stanhope Anglican their church to generously give and support our gospel work. God has blessed us richly; may it be a joy to give to his work, as each of us are able. May we be cheerful, regular and generous givers. And may we see lives changed as a result, as the good news of Jesus is made known here and beyond.
ABN 40468 943 397
Reference: Giving
BSB: 062 704
Account number: 1004 4866
Reference: Giving
Via collection box at rear of church auditorium. Cheques made out to 'Stanhope Anglican Church'
We also have an SRE Fund that is tax deductible (minimum amount $100). You can transfer funds to the Stanhope Anglican Church account and reference your giving: SRE[surname] and email with the amount and your name (as per your tax return).