

8am Church

This is a more traditional service, using the prayer book, with hymns, a Bible talk, and Communion once a month. After the service we enjoy morning tea together.

10am Church

Our morning contemporary service for all ages, with singing, prayers and a Bible talk. We celebrate Communion once a month. There is a children's program (in school term) for kids from preschool through to Year 8, with kids starting in church before going to their groups. After the service we enjoy morning tea together, including fresh barista coffee!

This service is live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook.


This is our evening contemporary service for all ages, with singing, prayers and a Bible talk. We celebrate Communion once a month. There is a children's program (in school term) for kids in K-6, and a fortnightly group for yr 7-8, with kids starting in church before going to their groups. We also have a fortnightly senior youth LifeGroup (bible study) after the service for Yr 10-12. After the service we enjoy supper together.

Feel free to connect with us here.

Our talks are available on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, please contact